Monday, December 31, 2007

Holiday Festivities!

Scott and I have been very busy during the month of December. We've spent heaps of time with our niece and nephew, Kate, and Cameron and we've also attended many holiday parties. The excitement of our holidays hit a crescendo when we performed a citizen's arrest on a drunk driver on the 28th. Scott gave an official report of what we saw and the police also have our 911 tapes. It is likely that Scott will have to appear in court if this 18 year old girl decides to appeal the DUI charge. More details as they come!

Here are a few pics of this season; I have more to post in the next few days.

Friday, November 23, 2007

It's a little boy!

Jeanette gave birth to a little boy (6 lbs 9oz) just past 2AM on Friday, November 23rd. Both mom and baby are doing great. Here are a few pics from our visit with them tonight:

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Fall, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome to your new home Toshiki!

Last night Toshiki kindly hosted our group for dinner at his new condo on Klahanie Drive. When we first arrived, what immediately struck me was how similar his place was to mine. I guess that Polygon finds a formula that works and they go with it. Anyway, it was really nice getting back into touch with everyone in the group.

After I left, I had a warm thought rush over me that left me thinking. I love, trust, and respect these people; moreover, I feel so completely grateful for them.

Here are a few more pics of our evening; unfortunately, I didn't get a pic of our host :-(

Saturday, September 22, 2007
