Sunday, July 04, 2010

Thank You Za Za!

Happy July 4th! June was cool and wet and July isn't any better so far. Believe it or not, it was so cold in the house today that we made a fire.

Evan is getting big, fast, and talkative. His Za Za looked after him part-time as Charlene worked and her influence on him is quite striking. Although Evan has always been quite polite and thankful, he is now uber grateful for everything. In fact, during our last trip to the grocery store, he was thankful for every item we placed in the shopping cart. He kept saying, "Oh, thank you mommy - thank you daddy - oh wow..." We know that Za Za has been working on this and her efforts have paid off and are much appreciated. We are so thankful to have her in our lives. She loves her Evsters and he absolutely adores her. Thank you Za Za for loving and caring for our Evan.

In the next month or so, Evan is going to have competition as his little bro or sis is likely to arrive. Charlene is doing well with the pregnancy - except for some headaches and the occasional hard kick from the baby. She's done with teaching for a year and is keeping busy with baby plans, Evan, and gardening.

I am still working on the closet doors and painting, and I'm running out of time. I'd rather be gardening than sanding, regardless of the weather. At work we're still struggling with working capital, but at least we finally managed to publish our financials. Our year to date (10 months) is $1.4M which should help us attract some investors.

Fun outings in the past few months include Fort Langley, Rocky Point, BBQ with Jason's family, and poker night at Shannon & Dean's. Most of the time we just enjoy exploring our new neighborhood with The Coops.

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