Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome to your new home Toshiki!

Last night Toshiki kindly hosted our group for dinner at his new condo on Klahanie Drive. When we first arrived, what immediately struck me was how similar his place was to mine. I guess that Polygon finds a formula that works and they go with it. Anyway, it was really nice getting back into touch with everyone in the group.

After I left, I had a warm thought rush over me that left me thinking. I love, trust, and respect these people; moreover, I feel so completely grateful for them.

Here are a few more pics of our evening; unfortunately, I didn't get a pic of our host :-(


Chris & Cindy said...

so kind so kind! likewise Barlena!

Toshiki said...

Yes... I was busy running around preping ang hosting the guests. Thanks for coming!